Pro's tips for better motorcycle riding

Riding with peace of mind on a motorcycle

How to equip yourself to drive serenely?

Practical tutorial for periodic review
Practical guides surch as for purchasing, permits, maintenance, equipment, accessories and other topics related to two-wheelers.

How to control your motorcycle in fast riding?
There are certain attitudes to adopt in order to better drive a motorcycle: negotiating bends, overtaking other vehicles, adjusting your speed and maintaining your motorcycle. In town, you have to be wary of the doors, anticipate possible dangers while riding on the road… More information on
Two-wheelers, a passion!
More than just a means of transport, motorcycling is above all a passion.
Discover tips and information on parts and accessories for your motorcycle!
This mode of transport represents a professional service that follows strict regulations.
Compare motorcycle insurance
To avoid paying too high insurance premiums, it is recommended to compare offers online. Simply fill out the form to find the motorcycle insurance policy that suits your budget.

Tailor-made quote
The cost of motorcycle insurance varies according to several criteria. For example, the cubic capacity and type of motorcycle to be insured: electric, sports, scooter, collection or motocross.

Driver profile
Two-wheeler insurance pricing depends greatly on the profile of the biker: young driver, experienced driver… On-road history plays an important role in the insurance premium.

Types of insurance
Easily find the formula adapted to your driving style. There are 3 main types: third party, intermediate and all-risk insurance. The last range is the most protective.
Essential biker equipment and accessories
How do you maintain your motorcycle?

Regular maintenance is the first line of defence against possible damage caused by repeated use and age of the motorcycle.

Regularly cleaning the visible parts of the machine is part of its maintenance. Motorcyclists perform maintenance themselves.

Basic maintenance consists of checking the condition of the tyres, bulbs, pads, etc. It is advisable not to neglect these basic checks.
Fixing your battery problems
When the small light refuses to come on or goes out suddenly, it should be checked that this is not a problem with the main fuse.
If it is a voltage problem, you can troubleshoot the problem by starting the motorcycle by pushing.
To prolong the life of a motorcycle battery, a low maintenance service is recommended.